Ranma Saotome


Character: Ranma Saotome, Boy-Type
Series: Ranma 1/2
Awards won: 1 - Animazement 99, 2nd place Novice
First Worn: Animazement 99
Ranma Saotome.  My floor costume.  My very first one at that.  Those that go to the east coast cons know me as Ranma Saotome. ^_^  My very first Ranma costume was black kung fu uniform. :p  The following year, I made a newer version of it, the top was made from a red sweatshirt, cut. :p After that, I met Brian and we found the current red tunic I use today.  Future plans are for a short sleeve version, and a possibly an alternate color to boot.  You can see down below the progress of my Ranma Saotome cosplay. ^^

Cosplay Photos:

Animazement 99 Animazement 2000 Animazement 2001
Katsucon 9 Animazement 2003 BAAF 2003

These pictures are from my personal collection and A Fan's View.  Used with permission. ^^